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What to do when someone you care about gets Cancer.

Hello Friends,

Like most of you, I've had someone close to me diagnosed with some type of cancer. The first person in my life was when I was 9. It was my great Aunt Helen. She got breast cancer back in the '70s when hardly anyone ever heard that word. I was shocked because she was a seemingly healthy, happy, and physically fit person. She didn't smoke, over-eat or drink. She was a Physical Education teacher, and avid golfer. She always had a sun-kissed tan. She was well off and lived better than anyone I ever knew.

She had a loving husband. My uncle Cub, her husband, was a very kind man who gave the best hugs. They had two healthy, high-achieving daughters. She was living the American dream, when the dreaded "C word" took over her perfect life. Back then, they didn't have the options they do now. She got chemotherapy and became a shell of her former self. At my grandmother's funeral, I saw her bald, hunched over, and very thin. That was shocking for me. She passed shortly after that. I thought to myself, If Aunt Helen could die from cancer, anyone could!

Years later, we buried my mother, who passed from small cell lung cancer.

Smoking cigarettes caused that. I will write about that too, one day.

Now, another one of my loved ones has just been diagnosed. Uterine cancer. She told me that she had all of the signs, but ignored them. The doctors think it may in her lymph nodes and has possibly seeded into her lungs. My heart is breaking for her, her family, and the many other people (especially children) who have also been diagnosed.

What can we do when someone we are close to and care about gets this diagnosis?

For some of us, praying is the ultimate answer.

For my mom, we brought her into our home, and we and cared for her for ten months until she took her last breath and went to be with Jesus.

For my friend, I've been sending her encouraging messages. We also sent her a care package that included a soft blanket, a heating pad (she said she needed it and used it immediately), and a book written about strength for the journey for cancer patients that got very high ratings on Amazon.

I keep asking myself what else I can do to make this easier for her. Then I start praying again and going to the One who knows everything.

My Disclosure

Hi there, It’s me! Lee Ann.

I’m not a doctor or a nurse; I’m a wife and mother who loves to learn about the human body, health, and how naturally prevent and heal sickness.

I love to share what I have learned in hopes of helping others help themselves.

Any links you may see are affiliate links. If you click on them and purchase, I’ll get a small portion of the sale. That also helps me help my family. Thank you! 💕


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Learning styles, Homeschool curriculum, Unschooling, Deschooling, Unit studies, Different learning styles, Different homeschooling styles, game schooling , homeschool mom , transcripts, homeschooling the high schooler, , Assessors, Depression, Fibromyalgia, Chronic fatigue syndrome, , Heart disease, Infertility, Thyroid disease, Obesity , Cancer, Crohn’s Disease, Alcoholism, A.D.H.D, Mental Illness , Spirituality , God, Wellness , Home, Health , Happiness, Family, Marriage, Divorce, Children, Foster care, Fitness

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