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Happiness... Is it a choice?

I've thought about this a lot. During my 50 something years on this earth, I've noticed that some people are just happier than others. I've observed that it doesn't matter if the person is healthy or sick or is rich or poor. I've met happy sick people and grumpy healthy people. I've seen poor people who are happy and miserable rich people. I mean, don't people say that if I had this, or that, I would be happier?

I don't think they would—case in point,

one of the happiest people I know is

my son, Gregory. He is deaf and paralyzed!

He's funny too. He has a great sense of humor. Thank God!

I believe that there is a natural bend towards a person being more cheerful or grumpy, but I also think that if you're bent towards grumpy and complaining, you can choose to have a more postive attitude. At the very least, by not complaining as much.

I believe that living with a happy attitude is a choice. Yes, it can come from having a pleasing experience, but long-lasting happiness stems from having quality thoughts. I think its foundation is thankfulness and gratitude.

Some things make me happy that might not make you happy and vice versa. For instance, I like eating Keto ice cream and watching King of Queens with my hubs. That makes me happy.

Being with my granddaughters makes me very happy.

What makes you happy? More importantly, what gives you long-lasting happiness?


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Learning styles, Homeschool curriculum, Unschooling, Deschooling, Unit studies, Different learning styles, Different homeschooling styles, game schooling , homeschool mom , transcripts, homeschooling the high schooler, , Assessors, Depression, Fibromyalgia, Chronic fatigue syndrome, , Heart disease, Infertility, Thyroid disease, Obesity , Cancer, Crohn’s Disease, Alcoholism, A.D.H.D, Mental Illness , Spirituality , God, Wellness , Home, Health , Happiness, Family, Marriage, Divorce, Children, Foster care, Fitness

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