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Homeschooling; How Will My Children Be Socialized? The Judgment of Others

There's no shortage of judgments from others regarding homeschooling. Specifically, almost everyone has an opinion about how the children will be socialized, which seems to be at the top of the list of topics to be judged. The answer to "How will your children be socialized?" isn't dependent on what other people think it should be, but on what you, the parent, think the socialization experiences for your child should look like.

In our experience, homeschooling has allowed us to build stronger family bonds. That has been the most wonderful outcome of our home-educating experience. Because of that, our son trusts and relies on us for direction and understanding about the world around him. He comes to us with his questions and concerns, whereas in today's culture, many children have developed an unhealthy dependency on their peers. Of course, youth looking to youth for direction, bonding, and understanding is nothing new, but because social media is so easily accessible, it's at a higher rate than ever before.Playgrounds Nowadays, peer relations are seldom quality relationships, and parents matter more than ever. Homeschooling allows you, as the parent, to better choose what social interactions and experiences your child will have.

Socialization outside of the immediate family unit can come in many different forms:

  • Play Grounds

  • Acting classes

  • Art classes

  • Exercise/Workout classes

  • Co-ops

  • Dance lessons

  • Church

  • Team sports such as baseball, basketball, football, and soccer (contact your local school, as homeschooled children are often welcome to participate in these activities along with public school children)

  • For older teens, a youth group or a part-time job is an excellent way to socialize

So, when the questions arise from your family and friends about how you plan to socialize your child, you can confidently say, "I've got this." Knowing ahead of time that you don't have to memorize a prepared list to appease them will help any anxiety you may have regarding the judgments of others.

Enjoy your children 💕

My Disclosure

Hi there, It’s me! Lee Ann.

I’m not a doctor or a nurse; I’m a wife and mother who loves to learn about the human body, health, and how naturally prevent and heal sickness.

I love to share what I have learned in hopes of helping others help themselves.

Any links you may see are affiliate links. If you click on them and purchase, I’ll get a small portion of the sale. That also helps me help my family. Thank you! 💕


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Learning styles, Homeschool curriculum, Unschooling, Deschooling, Unit studies, Different learning styles, Different homeschooling styles, game schooling , homeschool mom , transcripts, homeschooling the high schooler, , Assessors, Depression, Fibromyalgia, Chronic fatigue syndrome, , Heart disease, Infertility, Thyroid disease, Obesity , Cancer, Crohn’s Disease, Alcoholism, A.D.H.D, Mental Illness , Spirituality , God, Wellness , Home, Health , Happiness, Family, Marriage, Divorce, Children, Foster care, Fitness

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