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Grade levels and test scores; A poor and incomplete construct.

First, let me say I realize this is my opinion, but I wish when I started homeschooling that someone would've told me what I'm about to tell you. For those of you who are interested, and considering your state laws, you can go against the grain and school your children without testing or grading!

I'm here to tell you that grade levels and test scores are a poor and incomplete construct

of a person's abilities and their ability to achieve success!

I'm 57-years-old.

Am I reading at a 57-year-old level?

Am I ahead or behind 57-year-old confidence, success, happiness, and health?

Am I ok?

Should I get an A, C, or F?

Maybe I'm just a "C-" 57-year-old?

I understand why grade levels in schools exist. I went through the public school system and was a casualty of their poor system of measurements with their grading and testing processes.

Their process of grading human ability and success is sadly lacking. As a child and teen, grades and testing were painful for me. It gave me anxiety and my self-esteem suffered greatly because of it too. I saw others in my classes and family with A's and B's and was never able to measure up to them. Yet, here I am! I didn't have any higher education., I own a business where I earn as much, maybe even more than a person with a 4-year college degree.

That is no way to brag but to prove my point that we have been conditioned about the way "school" is supposed to be in order to become "successful." The question then becomes "What is success? That's another blog post.

Many times testing and grading is like trying to fit a square peg into a round hole, and with it, we isolate many children, in turn hurting their confidence and self worth. For many homeschooling families, we recognize those grading systems as a fake and frustrating construct that many children don't and can't fit into. I have removed that stumbling block for my child. I've given him the freedom to live, explore and develop in peace.

Often, teachers do not have the time or ability to consider a child's personality and learning style. It's a one-size-fits-all construct, and to say it's inadequate is an understatement. It's a mindset that never really taps into the child's gifts, strengths, and future possibilities.

As a homeschool parent living where I live, I am thrilled that I have the freedom to operate with the mindset that grade levels and testing are not a concern for me or my child. One might ask, "If you don't test your child, how do you know he understands what you're teaching?" That's simple; when I'm working with my child, reading, conversing, and checking his work, I know whether he understands it or not.

Sure, learning to read, memorizing history, language arts, spelling, science, and math is important, but for me, what is more important than sending my child away from me for 6+ hours a day to learn those things, is being with him and teaching him those things in 2-3 hours. That's right; most homeschooling families get their bookwork done in under 3 hours a day.

I would rather much of my child's awake time be spent on something other than traditional academics, like developing life skills and character development.

Some of the things we are teaching him to do is to put his best foot forward while refusing to entertain excuses. Helping him to develop a strong work ethic.

To be persistent as well as conscientious.

To think critically and learn how to make decisions based on facts and future goals, instead of emotions.

To learn what skills God has personally given to him and sharpen them to try and help himself and others.

To learn how to be determined to grow in faith, family, friendships, finances, and be intentional about each—teaching about being able to put your head on your pillow at night, knowing that your integrity is intact. That there is no gap between what you believe and what you do.

It's about believing that there is a Creator and that He made you! That its best not to compare yourself to others. That it's okay to grow and learn within what you've been given and what you like, and that doesn't make you better or worse than someone else.

It just makes you, YOU!

Of course, these kinds of teachings can still take place if you send your child to school for much of their day, but other influences come their way at such a rapid rate. More today than ever before, the examples and messages are very negative, violent, and harsh, and because of that, many young people can feel overwhelmed and worried.

Yes, we have to learn how to cope with all of these things and be a light to others, but we believe that in order to do that properly, a solid foundation has to be in place before being thrown into it.

Teaching young people to be concerned about and recognize what's true and how to think about what's most important takes time, a lot of communication, and us as parents living that out before them.

With care, 💕 Lee Ann

My Disclosure;

Hi there, It’s me... Lee Ann

I’m not a doctor or a nurse; I’m a wife and mother who loves to learn about the human spirit, mind, and body. I love seeking natural health in each area and sharing what I have learned in hopes of helping others, help themselves.

Any links you may see are affiliate links. If you click on them and purchase, I’ll get a small portion of the sale. That also helps me help my family. Thank you!


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Learning styles, Homeschool curriculum, Unschooling, Deschooling, Unit studies, Different learning styles, Different homeschooling styles, game schooling , homeschool mom , transcripts, homeschooling the high schooler, , Assessors, Depression, Fibromyalgia, Chronic fatigue syndrome, , Heart disease, Infertility, Thyroid disease, Obesity , Cancer, Crohn’s Disease, Alcoholism, A.D.H.D, Mental Illness , Spirituality , God, Wellness , Home, Health , Happiness, Family, Marriage, Divorce, Children, Foster care, Fitness

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